Brightening Up Your Space with Plants

Adding indoor plants to your home is a quick and easy way to instantly diversify your scenery and take advantage of the natural benefits these living organisms impart. With so many houseplants to choose from, there are options for every level of care—from the super low-maintenance cactus, to the slightly needier but beautifully rewarding orchid. Selecting a plant that suits both your decorating and scheduling needs will ultimately deliver the most satisfying plant-keeping experience.

Working Plants

Consider setting up an indoor herb garden that pulls double duty by adding greenery while also providing the herbs and spices you regularly use for cooking. There are tons of DIY ideas for planting one large pot containing multiple herbs, or setting up a few small pots to house the herbs you most frequently use. Just make sure to set them in a sunny spot where they’ll get at least 4 hours of sunlight a day; water regularly, and fresh herbs will always be within reach.

Low-Maintenance Plants

A cactus is definitely the go-to plant for those seeking a live element to add to their home which does not require attention on a daily, or even weekly, basis. The closely related succulent (all cacti are actually succulents) is another excellent low-maintenance choice since the plant is built to store water in its special tissue, giving indoor gardening hopefuls some extra time to remember to water. Here in Arizona, succulents and cacti are especially abundant and nearly any grocery or home improvement store will have them available year-round. If you know someone with an aloe vera plant, a cutting can be taken to start your own plant which also falls under the working plant category, thanks to the healing aloe gel that can be harvested.

Eye-Catching Plants

While cacti and succulents are certainly nice to look at, especially in a lovely tabletop terrarium setup, some houseplants are naturally striking all on their own. Snake Plants grow long leaf stalks that stand tall for a bold appearance. The perennial plant can live in low light and also releases oxygen while absorbing carbon dioxide at night, making it a natural way to improve air quality in the home. Lucky Bamboo plants can be grown hydroponically with just water and stones or pebbles, skipping soil altogether. They don’t need direct sunlight and the water can be changed every week or two. Some come with stems twisted into spirals or arranged in a lattice pattern for an extra point of visual interest.

Whether you choose a plant for strictly decorative purposes, or one that gives something back, adding live plants to your home is a worthwhile endeavor which will continually deliver noticeable benefits.

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