When most people think about Southern Arizona, they picture the stereotypical desert—barren dunes and seas of sand upon sand. The amazing Sonoran Desert in Tucson is among the only places in the world where the coolest cactus grows—the Saguaro. If you are new to the area, or even relocating to a new part of the city (there are Northwest, East, West, and South sides, as well as the Barrios and other small neighborhood enclaves), you will find yourself immersed in surreal natural beauty that can be a place of healing and serenity.

Unfortunately, no matter how wonderful the place you are planning to live out the next chapter of life might be, any move, or relocation can be stressful. Packing, organizing, recruiting friends and family to help … the whole ordeal of it all can unfold into a giant mess of tension.
While we could give you tips on making this your easiest move possible, we’re well aware that there are already plenty of resources and companies to hire to help you transition smoothly, in order to minimize the number of meltdowns and the potential for questioning the rightness of your decisions.
Our survival tips of moving to Southern Arizona are simple and sweet … and completely necessary to keep in mind.
- There are neat critters to spy, but beware, a lot of them bite. For example, Arizona’s baseball team is named after the Diamondback Rattlesnake. Yes, this slithery being’s bite packs a punch you want to avoid at all costs. And just in case you spy a bobcat, it is not time to say, “Here kitty, kitty.”
- Give up the worry of keeping track of time. Arizona does not practice daylight savings, which means it’s time to ignore what you hear on the radio and TV. Ignore what you read in the newspaper or on the internet. Time never moves forward or back here. It’s an Arizona thing.
- Keep hydrated (good advice for your pets, too). You have moved to the desert, which means it is very dry here. Quenching thirst takes on a whole new meaning. Eight glasses (or more!) of water are recommended daily to conquer dehydration.
- Be prepared to get hot, hot, hot! Temperatures soar well over 100 degrees in the summer, and during the winter, the temperature hardly ever dips below 55 degrees. You can still keep a winter and summer wardrobe, but we suggest leaning towards summer ware for most of your closet space.
- Be prepared to hear and maybe even learn Spanish, entiendes? Being located less than two hours away from the Mexico border, there is a whole lot of Spanish going on in Tucson. You’ll see street and store signs in Spanish and hear it almost anywhere you go. Embrace it and maybe even try to pick some up, Spanish goes a long way in the Old Pueblo.
- Keep an eye out during monsoon season. Yes, it does rain here … and enough for an entire season to be named after it. Make sure you do not get in over your head during late summer. Pay attention to the Stupid Motorist Law and weather reports. Monsoon storms can come and go within the blink of an eye, but leave behind massive and flash flooding and other life-threatening obstacles. Just be in the know, and always stay smart when the skies turn dark and foreboding.
- Sunscreen is a necessity. Enough said. Slather it on during morning routines and take it with you wherever the day takes you. It’s better to look like a human being than a lobster in pain.